Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Just for the lulz!

2+2 Thread where FREDY BULLIT lost his bankroll

Half of July is done - results: meh

Hi guys,

lets make it fast :)
The graph of the last two weeks shows how well i was doing at the tables. "Lost"; or did not make about 1300$ in 4bet pots to setups and was not able to make some money. I also quit three sessions after only playing for like two hours because i did not feel good about it. The plan for the rest of the month is to make money instead of not making money!

Hands:                   9210 100nl, 12440 50nl
Winrate:                 3,48bb/100 / 2,12bb/100
Vpps:                     5385
Played:                  43,08 hours
+268$ cashgame winnings
+302$ fpp value
+54$ stellar reward value
= +624$

Graph of the first 15 days of July 2013: