Friday, 31 January 2014

January results: a good start in the new year

Hi guys!

The month started really bad with some "-10stack days" because i played really bad, but i managed to get back rather fast and ended the month with a little bit above 3k in winnings.

Because of the "January Jumpstart VPP" promotion i got 625 vpp for free since i started with goldstar in the month. This resulted into a lower motivation to start grinding for supernova and i only played 57 hours; something i have to focus on more.

100nl/pl      14.683 hands     1,81bb/100 ev
50nl/pl        19.268 hands   13,66bb/100 ev

Vpps:                     8.614
Played:                   57,11 hours
+3.045$ cashgame winnings
+265$ fpp value
+136$ stellar reward value
= +3.446$

Graph of January 2014:
PS: I think i will manage to get sn this year, so i save all my fpp and will buy the 1600$ bonus. That's why the numbers on "fpp value" are a little bit higher than they should be.

Friday, 10 January 2014

2013 Review

Hi guys,

i would prefer to bring the review earlier but i had to find a day were i m in the mood for a rather long post and not be hangover.

-2013 goals:

[ X ] Moving to Thailand and find a place to live and work
[    ] Play good poker
[ X ] Take shots at higher limits and move up
[    ] Clear Supernova

 I m really happy that i found a nice house and am able to work without bigger problems. I saw a few people, esp from America after black Friday, who moved to Canada or other countries and just fucked up their mindset or whatever; moved down a few limits and basically never found back to their old game. This was my biggest fear i faced before leaving Germany where i lived my whole life up to this point.

On the other hand, my results at the tables are really bad compared to the years before. I made overall about half the money i made in 2012 but also had more free time i spent very well. Back in Germany i got a lot of time to play poker because there was not a lot to do for a guy who got his hobby as job. The really hot weather in Thailand combined with a failing aircondition plus a crappy internet made me tilt a lot and resulted into some timeouts and a lower winrate.


Well, i fucked up. I only play poker when i m in the mood and really feel like playing A-game. I took some weeks and even a few months off and was not able to make 100k vpp at the end of the year. In my eyes its not a big loss since only about 18% of my overall-income comes from rakeback; but still, working as a pokerplayer as only job on 50nl+ and not clearing supernova is more than weak.

Numbers of 2013:

200pl:       1.574 hands 6,58bb/100 ev
100nl/pl: 56.011 hands 4,84bb/100 ev
50nl/pl: 262.864 hands 8,17bb/100 ev
25nl/pl:   59.500 hands 8,02bb/100 ev

January            +1.942$
February                   0$
March               +2.194$
April                  +1.208$
May                  +2.963$
June                 +4.483$
July                  +1.100$
August                      0$
September          +357$
October            +1.100$
November         +4.059$
December        +1.666$

Hands: 380.324
Vpp:    70.076
Hours: 709,55

+16.914$ cashgame winnings
  +3.358$ fpp value
     +800$ stellar reward value
= +21.072$

Graph of 2013:

Overall i got mixed feelings about 2013. On the one side life is good and i m enjoying every day of it, on the other side my results are really crappy. My plan for the next months will be to put more effort into my work and to improve my game (like every goal in every other year-review i guess) :)

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

December results, Thailand and lazy poker-2012!

Hi guys!

December is done and as expected i was not playing a lot of poker since i was almost half of the month not at home.

Hands:                   9481 100nl, 15275 50nl
Winrate:                 7,33bb/100, 5,49bb/100
Vpps:                     6021
Played:                   44,34 hours
+1411$ cashgame winnings
+195$ fpp value
+60$ stellar reward value
= +1666$

Graph of December 2013: