Friday, 31 May 2013

Results of May: OK

Hi guys,

i spent one week in Saigon to get my ed-visa and party a little bit, so i was only able to play 20 of the 31 days of this month. Overall i m ok with the results, esp mixing in some 100nl and 25nl tables to keep playing 8-15 tables at the same time.

The aircon and the in my house are now finally fixed and working is way more fun then it was the month before :)

Here are some pics from Vietnam:

 The Crazy Buffalo was one "bar" that was really close to our hotel and you could drink a "Crazy Buffalo" and smoke shisha inside or direct at the street.

 At about 1am some drunk idiots managed to flip a motorbike in front of the bar and everybody was staring at them :)

Thats a view from the balcony of my 25$/day hotel-room. The hotel was really nice for that money but all the cars and motorbikes keep honking all the time when they drive on the streets. Its really annoying, esp when u come home drunk at 5am :)

Hands:                   4301 100nl, 24816 50nl,  8765 25nl
Winrate:                 8,08bb/100 / 14,31bb/100 14,72bb/100
Vpps:                     7277
Played:                  71,31 hours
+2483$ cashgame winnings
+408$ fpp value
+72$ stellar reward value
= +2963$

Graph of May 2013:

1 comment:

  1. He NicoleOA,

    here JoMedici.. Could you post the Kc9c on QT44Q Hand and we discuss it here.. Would be nice..
